
High quality summary notes covering all examinable lecture topics Topics covered: (1) Introduction; Introduction to Social Psych Research, (2) Introduction to Social Psych Research; Introduction to Personality Research, (3) Post-Freudian Psychodynamic Accounts; Neuropsychoanalysis, (4) Trait Approaches; Dynamic Personality Approaches, (5) Evolutionary Theory and Personality; Humanistic and Positive Psychology, (6) Personal Construct Theory; New Directions and Evaluation, (7) Personality Theory and Assessment; Application and Revision, (8) Person Perception; Errors and Biases in Judgement, (9) Attributions; The Social Self, (10) Group Influence, (11) Emotion; Leadership, Power and Status


Semester 1, 2019

53 pages

16,691 words



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Macq., North Ryde

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February 2019