
These notes include comprehensive lecture notes and notes from readings. After the lecture notes I have included my OSCE and VIVA guide, which was a real help for me. Check the sample if you want to get a bit of a preview. Topics Include: Week 1 - Introduction Week 2 - Understanding Mental Illness Week 3 - Mental Health Legislation and Policies Week 4 - Common Mental Health Conditions and Presentations Week 5 - Mental Health Assessment and Risk Management Week 6 - Clinical Management of Mental Health Presentations Week 7 - Dual Presentations Week 8 - Managing Patients with Cognitive Impairment or Behavioural Issues Week 10 - Understanding Addiction and Dependence Week 11 - Drugs and Alcohol Week 12 - Substance Abuse Week 13 - Substance Abuse 2 Week 14 - Paramedic Wellness *Disclaimer: NSW Ambulance pharmacology protocol has been used. An updated version has been released since the writing of these notes.


Semester 1, 2018

104 pages

15,643 words



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WSU, Campbelltown

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February 2016