
LAW5002 Exam-style notes (Monash JD). Subject completed in Trimester 3, 2019 - received HD for subject's exam. Topics include: 1. Offer 2. Acceptance 3. Consideration 4. Intention 5. Certainty 6. Formalities 7. Capacity 8. Privity 9. Estoppel 10. Express terms 11. Implied terms (incl. Good Faith) 12. Unfair Contract Terms 13. Consumer Guarantees (+Remedies) Notes are: - Consolidated and concise - Assistive in terms of flow of argument - Detailed with case authorities and legislation to cite - Formatted for ease of reference during exams - Inclusive of all weeks for the subject


Semester 2, 2019

28 pages

14,550 words



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Monash, Parkville

Member since

August 2019

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