
These notes include all summarised lecture, tutorial and textbook chapter material necessary for the assessed quiz (content has been formatted to fit the 2 pages per quiz limit). Easy to read, understand and memorise with supporting definitions and examples! Also includes textbook page referrals :) Topics covered: - Ch 1: Defining IMC - Ch 2: Generating consumer insights - Ch 3: Brand Positioning - Ch 4: Media planning and budgeting in advertising - Ch 5: Traditional and Digital Media - Ch 6: Advertising Creativity - Ch 7: Planning and executing the creative appeal - Ch 8: Social Influence - Ch 9: Public relations, corporate reputation and sponsorship - Ch 10: Influence in personal selling - Ch 11: Direct marketing and sales promotion - Ch 12: Advertising testing and campaign tracking


Semester 1, 2019

10 pages

5,312 words



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Macq., North Ryde

Member since

February 2018