
These notes cover every topic covered and assessed throughout the entirety of the unit including: Topic 1: Law Of Agency Topic 2: Creation Of An Agency Relationship And The Authority Of The Agent Topic 3: Ratification, Agency By Operation Of The Law, Undisclosed Principal, Rights And Obligations Of Principal, Third Party And Agent Topic 4: The Sale Of Goods Topic 5: Sale Of Goods - The Transfer Of Property Topic 6: Sale Of Goods - Implied Terms Topic 7: Introduction To Acl And Statutory Unconscionability Topic 8: Australian Consumer Law - Unfair Contract Terms Topic 9: Consumer Guarantees Topic 10 and 11: Insurance These notes were made using the prescribed textbook and another Commercial Law textbook i came across which appropriately mirrored the topics taught in this unit. Additionally, notes were also made using the lectures and the tutorial questions provided throughout the entire trimester. The notes contain both the appropriate legislation used in this unit and the appropriate cases (which are in red for easy reading and spotting in exams). This was the only thing i needed to bring into my exam which enabled me to get distinction.


Trimester 2, 2019

128 pages

51,863 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

Member since

July 2018

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