
These are my notes for Criminal Law and Procedure. The balance between detail and simplicity is the one I was personally comfortable with, where I had all the information and cases I needed, but I had it structured clearly, without any clutter. I have also included prepared exam 'script sentences' in the introductory part (and if applicable, conclusion) of each offence/defence or element. Again, that's how I felt most comfortable, because I had something tangible to get me started for each exam answer. These took so long to write, structure, and optimalise, and in hindsight, I probably would have bought ready-made ones instead - so I hope these help you get that HD without hours of agony! ORDER OF TOPICS: 2 Criminal procedure 4 Strict and absolute liability 5 Drug offences 6 Property offences 7 Attempts 8 Complicity 3 Criminal responsibility & defences*** 9 Corporate criminal liability *** I put topic 3 towards the end of my notes because it makes sense to me to talk about defences after all possible offences INCLUDED IN PREVIEW: - Topic 2: The section on "BAIL" - Topic 4 - Topic 6: Part of "THEFT" and part of "AGGRAVATED BURGLARY" (the 'while armed' part) - Topic 8: Pages on 'assistance' and 'agreement' complicity - Topic 3: Introduction and "MENTAL IMPAIRMENT"


Semester 1, 2019

57 pages

17,986 words



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Monash, Clayton

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January 2009