
Step by step notes based on lecture and textbook notes. Also includes case authority. Comprehensively goes through TEXT, CONTEXT, PURPOSE, RIGHTS. Allows you to insert facts from the scenario straight into the notes as they are set out like a script Also includes case summary of Al-Kateb, Plaintiff m68 and Lim as relevant to the Migration essay topic. Colour coding: 1. red = cases 2. green = legislation 3. blue = insert from exam facts Outline of notes: PART A: Statutory Interpretation (page 1-12) 1. Introduction (page 2) a. Modern Approach b. What the parties want 2. Text (page 3) a. Statutory definition b. Dictionary c. Maxims Moving away from grammatical meaning d. Title 3. Context (page 4) 4. Purpose (page 6) 5. Rights Protective Interpretation (page 8) PART B: Essay (page 13) 1. Al-Kateb (page 13-20) 2. Lim (page 21-24) 3. Plaintiff M68 (page 25-28)


Semester 2, 2018

28 pages

10,365 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

May 2018

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