
My notes cover all information taught and assessed in MKF2521, including information assessed in the assignments and final exam. All information is ordered by the week each topic is taught. The content is organised, clean and easy to follow. Weeks/topics covered in these notes include: - Week 1 - Introduction to Brand Management - Week 2 - Customer-Based Brand Equity and Brand Resonance - Week 3 - Brand Positioning - Week 4 - Brand Elements - Week 5 - IMC and Leveraging Secondary Associations - Week 6 - Measuring Brand Equity - Week 7 - Brand Extensions and Branding New Products - Week 8 - Reinforcing, Revitalising, and Retiring Brands - Week 9 - International Brand Management - Week 11 - Strategic Brand Management Note: No content was thought in week 10 and week 12


Semester 1, 2019

55 pages

12,324 words



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Monash, Caulfield

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November 2018