
These notes contain all the relevant rules and cases required for the MLL235 Legal Practice and Ethics Exam. This year, the lectures did not mention all the relevant cases so fear not - I have included all of these in my notes and highlighted them in red to make them easy to see in a stressful exam setting. These notes are concise, well-formatted and easy to navigate, making them the perfect companion for your exam revision. Check out the preview for my formatting-style. TOPICS INCLUDED: Topic 1: Ethics, Morality and the Legal Profession Topic 2: Admission to Practice Topic 3A: Duties Owed to Clients (Retainer, competence, fiduciary nature of lawyer-client relationship) Topic 3B: Duties Owed to Clients (Conflicts of Interest) Topic 3B: Duties Owed to Clients (Confidentiality) Topic 4: Duty to Account & Costs 5: Duty owed to the administration of justice Topic 6: Duties owed to the Profession and Other Responsibilities Topic 7: Complaints and Discipline


Semester 2, 2018

88 pages

30,929 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

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February 2016