
All mandatory readings for the entire course and included supplementary readings are summarised within this document. Unlike other notes it provides complete summaries of designated readings for each assigned class reading. Topics include: Community Legal Centres: clinical component Ethics, Legal Ethics and the Law Behavioural Legal Ethics The Legal Profession, the Regulatory System and the Context of Change Service and Access to Justice Entry to the Profession Representing and Advising the Client Money Matters Loyalty to the Client Conflicting Loyalties Lawyers’ Accountability (Discipline & Liability) Role Morality and the Unethical (?) Client Civility, Courtesy & Law Firm Culture Ethics Implementation Fidelity to the Law and Civil Litigation Ethics at the Criminal Bar (and Family Bar) Corporate Lawyers and Corporate Misconduct Ethics in Negotiation and ADR


Semester 2, 2018

140 pages

57,959 words



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