
TOPICS: 1. Introduction & Outline of Subject 2. Legal remedies: Damages: General principles 3. Legal remedies: Damages: Personal injury and death, aggravated and exemplary damages 4. Legal remedies: Damages: Property and economic loss, breach of contract 5. Equitable remedies: Specific performance, rectification & rescission 6. Equitable remedies: Injunctions / Australian Consumer Law (ACL): meaning of “trade or commerce” 7. ACL: “misleading or deceptive” conduct, inc silence and non-disclosures ACL: misleading/deceptive conduct (promises, predictions, opinions, future matters); reliance; contribution & 8. contributory negligence 9. ACL: assessment of damages 10. ACL: other remedies


Spring session, 2017

24 pages

3,894 words



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