
Complete course notes for INFO1110: Introduction to Programming. All code examples in Python with explanations. I received an overall mark of 92. CONTENTS: INFO1110 Introduction to Programming ├── Notes from the creator │   ├── About these notes │   └── Tips for doing well in INFO1110: ├── Week 01 │   ├── Course outline │   ├── Introduction to computers │   ├── Using the terminal │   ├── Text editors │   ├── The print function │   ├── Variables and Expressions │   ├── Operators │   ├── Assignment │   ├── Shorthand assignment │   ├── Equality │   └── Boolean operators │      ├── Truth table for and │      └── Truth table for or ├── Week 02 │   ├── Data types │   ├── More operators │   ├── Comparison operators │   ├── Naming variables │   └── Desk checks ├── Week 03 │   ├── Conditional flow │   │   ├── if keyword │   │   ├── elif keyword │   │   ├── else keyword │   │   └── Ternary operator │   ├── while loops │   └── Control flow diagrams ├── Week 04 │   ├── Lists │   ├── Iterating through a list │   ├── Modifying a list │   └── Filtering elements in a list ├── Week 05 │   ├── The type function │   ├── Functions │   │   ├── Why use functions? │   │   ├── Examples │   │   ├── Ending a function │   │   └── The difference between print and return │   └── Best practice │      ├── General rules │      └── Docstrings ├── Week 06 │   ├── Streams and files │   │   ├── Input and output streams │   │   ├── File types │   │   ├── File paths │   │   └── File modes │   ├── Opening files in Python │   │   ├── Reading from a file │   │   ├── Writing to a file │   │   ├── Using with to automatically close a file │   └── Exceptions │      ├── Difference between TypeError and ValueError │       ├── Using try and except │      ├── Using finally │      └── Handling multiple exceptions ├── Week 07 │   ├── Testing │   │   ├── Types of tests │   │   ├── What to test? │   │   └── Important keywords │   ├── Writing assertions │   ├── Writing in/out tests │   └── Comparing floating point numbers ├── Week 08 │   └── List idioms │      ├── Reading input until a sentinal value │      ├── Finding a specific value in a list │      ├── Counting the number of occurences in a list │      ├── Finding the max/min value in a list │      ├── Filtering a list in-place │      └── Filtering a list, without mutation ├── Week 09 │   └── Classes │      ├── Constructors │      ├── Instance vs class attributes │      └── Instance vs class methods ├── Week 10 │   ├── Test methodology │   ├── Test-driven development │   └── Debugging ├── Week 11 │   ├── Recursion │   │   ├── Why use recursion? │   │   ├── Why shouldn't we use recursion? │   │   └── Recap │   └── Writing a recursive function │   ├── Cumulative sum │      └── Factorials ├── Week 12 │   ├── Lists redux │   ├── Iterating through a 2D list │   ├── Arrays │   │   ├── Arrays vs lists │   │   └── Why use arrays? │   └── The numpy package │      ├── Importing numpy │      ├── Creating an array in numpy │      └── Iterating through a 2D numpy array └── Week 13    └── Revision questions       ├── General programming       ├── Testing       ├── Functions       ├── Classes and objects       └── Recursion


Semester 1, 2019

45 pages

8,209 words



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