
This Note for Web Information Technologies is used for revision purposes. It contains all lecture+tutorial topics from week 1 to week 12. Note was made using markdown and followed the course structure. The subject itself has an open teaching style, meaning that the lecture notes are all graphically designed with few explanations. You need to listen to lecturers carefully in order to get everything. My notes came from both the lecturer and the lecture slides, thus making it a comprehensive study material. Topics include: (According to examinable materials from the lecturers) - Git - Javascript - DOM - Node & Express - API Servers & REST - MongoDB - HTML & CSS - Usability - Responsive Design - Advanced Javascript - API Client ES6, SASS, BABEL - AJAX, XHR - Security & Risk Assessment - Testing - SEO & Accessibility - Localisation & Internationalisation The exam contains many conceptual problems and this note is extremely useful for them. Spend a week on it to get easy H1 :)


Semester 1, 2019

16 pages

2,400 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

Member since

March 2019

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