
HD property law exams answer guides. These notes helped me ace my exam and are made so they are easy to follow. This is not a complete summary of all the units content, more easy guides for exam and seminar questions. Topics/Weeks Covered: Week 3- Adverse Possession 5- Native Title 6-Estates 8- Equitable Interests 9- Easements 10- Covenants 11- Mortgages Topics NOT covered: Weeks 1 & 2- Lecture slides and readings can only be done for these topics no possible answer guide given the lack of structure in the topics. Week 4- Tenure (not examinable) Week 7- Leases (lecture slides suffice)


Trimester 1, 2019

88 pages

31,497 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

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July 2017