
All lectures and readings included (note: no readings given for topic 9 & 10) Topic 1: what shapes human-environment relationships? Topic 2: how do humans needs/biology shape human-environment relationships? Topic 3: how do social identity and relationships shape human-environment relationships? Topic 4: how do cognitive processes shape the ways people value and respond to environments & environmental issues? Topic 5: what factors influence individual concern or attitudes towards the environment? Topic 6: what influences whether people take action on environmental issues? (split over 2 weeks/parts) Topic 7: can education and information change environmental attitudes, beliefs and behaviours? Topic 8: how do social norms influence environmental behaviour? Topic 9: designing strategies to encourage sustainable behaviour Topic 10: what shapes human-environment relationships and what does that mean for working toward a more sustainable world?


Semester 1, 2019

60 pages

16,000 words



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