
Very detailed study/exam notes with all case and problem solving guides. The most up to date available for this unit on Student VIP. Easy to navigate with numerical headings and colour coding. 1 Torrens System 4 core provisions Indefeasibility Exceptions to Indefeasibility Four non-s68 Exceptions to Indefeasibility Extent of Indefeasibility Unregistered Interests (Equitable) State Guarantee of Title 2 Leases Terminology Privity of contract Sources of the Law Governing Leases in Western Australia Answer Guide Element 1: Is it a lease? (The Essential Characteristics of a Lease) The Formalities of Leases and the Effect of Failure to Comply The Obligations and Rights of Landlords and Tenants Termination of Tenancies 4 Mortgages Introduction Covenants in a Mortgage Covenant Protecting the Mortgagor - Right to Redeem 71 Protecting Mortgagor- not examinable Mortgage Priority Disputes in Torrens System 72 Doctrine of TACKING Mortgage Remedies 5 Easements Definition and Purpose Easements distinguished from other real property interests Essential Characteristics of an Easement Types of Easements Creation of Easements Extinguishing Easements Remedies


Semester 2, 2018

103 pages

43,218 words



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