
Notes for Corporate Finance (BFF2140 monash completed in 2019. Notes from lectures and tutorials from week 7-12 (second set of 2 as can only upload notes of 10mb - please purchase set 1 as well for notes for the entire subject) (no notes for week 6 due to no lecture due to mid semester exam). Very detailed with added tutorial notes throughout. Learning objectives all covered and stated: 7: part 1: working capital management 7: part 2: international corporate finance 8: risk and return 1: fundamentals of risk and return for individual securities and portfolios 9: risk and return 2: portfolio theory and capital asset pricing model 10: cost of capital 11: capital structure 12: market efficiency and payout policy


Semester 1, 2019

65 pages

12,788 words



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Monash, Caulfield

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March 2018