
Extremely comprehensive and detailed MLL410 notes. Case studies outlined clearly. Exam answer templates provided at the end of each topic with various diagrams and figures to assist as visual aids. Reminders and notes throughout. Every aspect of the course covered in a detailed and thorough manner. All examinable topics covered: Topic 1: Introduction to Intellectual Property Topic 2: Trade Marks A: Registrability Topic 3: Trade Marks B: Ownership, opposition, rights, infringement Topic 4: Copyright A: What copyright protects Topic 5: Copyright B: Rights and infringement Topic 6: Copyright C: Defences, remedies, ownership and transmission Topic 7: Patents A: Rationales and the concept of invention Topic 8: Patents B: Validity Topic 9: Patents C: Infringement Topic 10: Registered Designs (NOT EXAMINABLE IN 2019)


Trimester 1, 2019

119 pages

35,000 words



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