High Distinction PSYC3001 Research Methods 3 Notes
Subject notes for UNSW PSYC3001
Concise, clear and detailed lecture notes (including online and face to face lectures) Contains all lecture topics: - The two-group randomised experiment. - The problem of multiple comparisons with more than two groups. - Controlling the familywise error rate for test of the maximal comparison. - Single Factor ANOVA - Contrasts on effect parameters and population means - Planned vs. Post-hoc analyses - Controlling the familywise error rate with the F STP - Simultaneous vs sequential MCPs. - Orthogonal and Trend contrasts - Analysis of J × K factorial between-subjects designs. - The 2 x 2 factorial design - Bonferroni t procedures - Single factor within subjects design - Two-factor mixed designs, B × (W) with one between subjects factor and one within subjects factor - Two-factor within-Ss designs, (W W). Received for Mid-term exam and 96 for the final exam. I hope these help!
Term 1, 2019
175 pages
18,893 words
UNSW, Kensington
Member since
February 2017