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Extremely detailed and comprehensive lecture notes which will be helpful in the mid-sem and final exam. Notes cover all lectures except week 6 (public holiday) and week 8 (mid-term). 1. Introduction to Neuroscience 2. Optogenetics and Neuroscience 3. Connectomes I 4. Connectomes II 5. Neuropharmacology 6. No lecture 7. Non-invasive electrical stimulation in Cognitive Psychology 9. Neuronal Signalling and Brain Rhythms 10. Neuroanatomy 11. Sensory Prosthetics and Man-made Interfaces 12. Neuromodulation Received a D (82) for this unit.


Semester 2, 2018

41 pages

13,158 words



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Macq., North Ryde

Member since

May 2015