
Very comprehensive lecture, class and textbook notes covering all topics - including a step-by-step answer structure at the end! These have been collated using all 3 streams of lectures (including part-time) so they cover the entire course in the easiest manner. Some lecturers cover certain topics better than others! The last 15 pages are concise and distilled scaffolds of the subject. Achieved an 87 in the final with these notes. When doing this subject I found that the existing notes available do not cover the mid-sem topics!! These notes do and you will be well equipped for the mid-sem. Topic 1 (A): The Concept and Function of "Property" and (B) Real Property - Introduction To Real Property Topic 2: Personal Property - Introduction to Choses in Possession Topic 3: Personal Property - Introduction to Choses in Action Topic 4: Assignment and Disposition of Interests Topic 5A: Priority Regimes Topic 5B: Commercial Dealings as Security Interests Over Property


Semester 1, 2018

196 pages

90,664 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

Member since

February 2017