
These notes include a succinct summary of all lectures covered in the course (including visual aids), and all directly examinable readings. They are detailed with necessary information with relation to the intended learning outcomes, and are not over-whelming in length. The notes are easy to read, and may be helpful for those wanting a head start in the subject, or those interested in exam revision and further clarification.  Lecture topics include: (organised by the order they appear in the exam) - Social psychology (Weeks 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9): Introduction, the self and others, attitudes and behaviour, intra and inter-group dynamics, relationships, helping and aggression, evolutionary social psychology and morality - Statistics (Week 3): Correlation and regression - Personality psychology (Weeks 2, 10, 11, 12): Introduction, personality and outcomes, nature and nurture, persons and situations Directly examinable readings include (from Smith et al, 'Social Psychology' 4th edn): Chapters 1 (pg7-14), 2 (pg26-42), 3 (pg83-91), 4 (pg125-137), 5 (pg178-183), 6 (pg211-215), 7 (pg266-271), 8 (pg294-306), 11 (pg425-435), 12 (pg461-463), 13 (pg502-510), 14 (pg554-558)


Semester 2, 2018

75 pages

27,415 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

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December 2017