
Very comprehensive exam notes. The content is useful for the problem question, essay and short answer question in the exam. The problem question notes are detailed and very concise. Answering problem questions for this subject can be very confusing and is not straight forward at all, like contracts for example. Thus i have provided a reference page or a 'cheat sheet' or sorts at the beginning of my problem question notes which details what page to find certain information and in order of how you should answer an exam problem question. At the bottom of the document i have also included essay notes under hypothetical paragraph sub-headings for a few very broad essay questions i chose to construct myself, with the help of my seminar leader. These questions capture just about all the content from the course that could potentially be asked as an essay. The notes are full sentences making general points relevant to the particular essay topic but are provided in dot-point form so they can be easily adapted into an essay as you're writing it out in an exam. The points are not too narrow so at to be irrelevant if the question is slightly different, they are broad questions with broad answers. Topics: Approaches to Constitutional Interpretation Values & Policy in Statutory Interpretation Intention, Context and Purpose Intrinsic Materials Extrinsic Materials Presumptions, Maxims and Canons Legislation, Precedent and Judicial Approaches Recent Cases & Particular Acts Delegated Legislation


Semester 2, 2018

28 pages

10,011 words



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UOW, Wollongong

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March 2018