
These notes are a combination of lecture materials, notes taken, readings and case summaries. They also contain sample answer guides which are helpful for the exam. They cover the following topics: - Introduction to administrative law; - Sources of judicial review and standing; - Grounds of review - introduction to procedural fairness; - Grounds of review - error in determining the scope of the power; - Improper exercise of power; - Consequences of unlawful action - remedies; - Limits on judicial review; - Merits review and administrative tribunals; and - Ombudsman and information disclosure. The answer guides are for the following topics: - Privative clauses; - Jurisdictional error; - Merits review; - Standing; and - Ombudsman and information disclosure.


Semester 1, 2018

99 pages

47,239 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

Member since

June 2014

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