ECON2101 (Clear & Concise HD Notes)
Subject notes for UNSW ECON2101
Covers all topics from the Microeconomics 2 course with a focus on clarity and explaining the essentials. Structured to be easy to follow and understand with all topics broken into sections and subsections including all relevant formulas and graphs. Up to date as course was completed in semester of 2018. Will save you a lot of study time and hopefully assist in you in understanding each and every part of the course! Topics 01 Markets 02 Budgets 03 Preferences 04 Individual Demand 05 Consumer Comparative Statics 06 Technology 07 Costs 08 Competitive Firms 09 Competitive Equilibrium 10 Decision Making Under Uncertainty 11 Game Theory 12 Monopoly 13 Oligopoly
Semester 2, 2018
47 pages
6,300 words
UNSW, Kensington
Member since
October 2015