
These notes cover the weekly topics discussed throughout MGX3100; Topic 1-2: Ethical Theory Topic 3: Shareholder Theory Topic 4: Stakeholder Theory Topic 5: Regulation Topic 6: Paternalism Topic 7: Corporate Governance Topic 8: Environment Topic 9: Sustainability Topic 10: Human Resource Management Topic 11-12: Marketing They provide both detailed outlines of the ethical theories covered along with case examples from each week with links back to the theory in which you can draw on when completing the final examination. These notes allowed me to have easily summarised notes of every topic in which I was able to draw upon when completing the final examination. This allowed me to score a HD for the unit and I believe they can do the same for you.


Semester 2, 2018

22 pages

6,045 words



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Monash, Caulfield

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February 2019