
These notes are combined lecture slides, notes taken during the lecture and textbook notes taken throughout the semester. Key definitions are bolded and acronyms/letters are used help to remember key blocks of information. Each chapter is started on a new page for ease of printing. Chapters covered: Week 1 - Chapter 2: Value and the Consumer Behaviour Value Framework Week 2 – Chapter 12: Decision Making Part 1 Week 3 – Chapter 13: Decision Making Part 2 Week 4 - Chapter 3: Perception Week 5 – Mid-semester test Week 6 - Chapter 4: Comprehension, Memory and Cognitive Learning Week 7 – Chapter 5: Motivation and Emotion Week 8 – Chapter 7: Attitudes and Attitude Change Week 9 – Psychophysiology & Consumer Behaviour Week 10 – Chapter 8: Group and Interpersonal Influence and Chapter 14: Consumption to Satisfaction Week 11 – Chapter 15: Beyond Consumer Relationships I received an overall mark of 89% for this unit including 33/35 and on the individual tests.


Semester 2, 2018

70 pages

16,202 words



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Curtin, Bentley

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November 2017