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Hey, guys! I took this subject because it is a fun subject, but the tests, especially the listening test can be daunting. Thus, to lift you from this burden, I have compiled all the information you need to know for the listening test + all the core terms for written test 1 & 2. This is then list of material: - core terms - information for the listening tests - information on polyphonic singing and its origin - basic information and general characteristic of African songs - similarities and differences of singing style from East Africa (Wagogo) and Central Africa (Pygmy) - basic information and general characteristic of Georgian songs - similarities and differences of singing style from East Georgia (Kakheti region) and West Georgia (Guria region) - similarities between rock and pop songs - differences in pop and rock songs - allocation of all the tested songs from the lecture into pop, rock, or combination of both and the musical elements in each songs


Semester 2, 2018

13 pages

2,668 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

Member since

February 2017