
Great overview of course with concise and in-depth notes that contain everything needed to do well in the exam. Notes are collated from lectures, exam questions and readings and helped me achieve a score of 88 in the exam. Topics are as follows: 1. Careers and Career management 2. Employment relations in Australia 3. A model of career management 4. Conceptual Model of Personality and Career Success 5. Establishing your career and identity, fit and socialization 6. 'Getting Along’: Self-management, regulation, and career choice 7. ‘Getting Along’: Working within a Diverse and Virtual Team 8. 'Getting Along’: Developing Your Influence 9. ‘Getting Ahead’: Building your social capital


Semester 1, 2018

39 pages

9,641 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

Member since

February 2017