
Comprehensive notes including relevant cases and legislation for easy use in exam. These notes are a great tool to use during trimester as well as to prepare for the final exam. Topics include: 1. Introduction to Insolvency 2. Introduction to Liquidation & its Administration; Voluntary & Compulsory Winding Up 3. Provisional Liquidation & the Effects of Winding Up 4. Assets Available to the Liquidator 5. The Administration of Winding Up 6. Criminal Offences & Civil Actions Against Company Directors 7. Termination of Winding Up, Deregistration & Reinstatement 8. Receivership 9. Voluntary Administration 10. Deeds of Company Arrangement 11. Schemes of Arrangement


Semester 2, 2018

54 pages

16,588 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

Member since

July 2018