
Summaries compiles information from lectures, tutorials, textbooks, commentary, legislation and case law. Textbook used was M W Bryan and V J Vann, Equity & Trusts in Australia (2012, Cambridge University Press, Victoria). Very thorough and includes sources of all information. Written for the purpose of problem-solving during exams. Topics covered include: 1. Equity: Introduction 2. Breach of Confidence 3. Fiduciary Obligations 4. Trusts: Introduction 5. Express Trusts: Creation 6. Express Trusts: Formalities 7. Express Trusts: Charitable Trusts 8. Non-Express Trusts: Resulting & Constructive Trusts 9. Trustee Duties & Powers 10. Trustee & Beneficiary Rights 11. Tracing


Semester 1, 2016

117 pages

42,411 words



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LaTrobe, Melbourne (Bundoora)

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December 2012