
Includes: - Definitions and explanations - Annotated code examples with syntax highlighting for readability Notes are organised by week/topic: Week 1 — Java fundamentals Week 2A — Loops and static methods Week 2B — Arrays and strings Week 3A — Objects, classes, and UML Weeks 3B, 4A — I/O Week 4A — Memory Week 4B — Collections Week 5 — Class inheritance and overloading Week 6 — Abstract classes, interfaces, overriding, and polymorphism Weeks 7, 11B, 12A — Generics and iterators Week 8 — Exceptions, enums, and unit testing Week 9 — Recursion Week 10 — Lambdas and streams Week 11A — Idioms and patterns Week 12 — Packaging and documentation


Semester 2, 2018

63 pages

10,441 words



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February 2018