
This notes includes topics from weeks 5; 7-11 includes Wk 5 Advertising Ch10 Wk 6 in-sem test, no new content or reading Wk 7 Selling techniques Ch11 Wk 8 Passing off Ch6 Wk 9 Registration of Trademarks Ch7 Wk 10 Copyright Ch4 Wk 11 Patent Ch2 The textbook we used is the "Marketing and the Law" 5th edition. Within each weeks I incorporated my textbook reading notes, tutorial scenario question notes, also steps in answering the questions. I use this notes as a guidance throughout my preparation for (1) final exam and (2) online quiz since we are only allowed to bring authorised physical textbook (with no paper attached) into the exam venue. Hope you find this notes useful as I did.


Semester 2, 2018

27 pages

10,636 words



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