
These are some fantastic self formulated questions to help you test your knowledge. They were formulated under the guidance of the learning outcomes and are thus, thorough. Try and group some of these together to come up with larger essay questions as you see fit. The topics are interconnected when they're examined! All topics from Week 1-12 are incorporated in this file. I've formatted the file as a worksheet to make your life easier too! A great supplementary tool for some extra practise as the practice examples provided by the faculty are minimal. *For comprehensive exam notes see BRAND MANAGEMENT REFINED EXAM NOTES FROM AN HD STUDENT - 88% Topics Covered Through QNS: - Intro to Brand Management - Consumer Based Brand Equity and Resonance - Brand Positioning - Brand Elements - IMC and Leveraging Secondary Associations - Measuring Brand Equity - Brand Extensions and Branding New Products - Reinforcing, Revitalising and Retiring Brands - International Brand Management - Conducting a Brand Audit (Same as Measuring Brand Equity) - Branding Trends


Semester 2, 2018

62 pages

1,268 words



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