
The plain text includes all major and minor topics (climate, geography, plate tectonics, etc.), which is summarised based on my weekly lecture notes. For final exam of EVSC10001 only. I got a 59% out of 60% of that exam. Climate Topics: 1. Climate change, glacial-interglacial cycles, feedbacks 2. Modern atmosphere and ocean 3. General circulation of the atmosphere 4. Ocean thermodynamics and circulation 5. ENSO 6. Recent /future climate change Biogeography Topics: 1. Ecozones 2. Weathering 3. Soils 4. Slope and mass wasting 5. Rivers and floodplains 6. Groundwater 7. Karst 8. Coastline Plate tectonics Topics: 1. Minerals & rocks 2. Relative Earth timescales 3. Absolute time sequences and radioactive measuring methods 4. Earth interior 5. Plate tectonics and Continental Drift 6. 3 types of Plate boundaries & volcanism The atmosphere, oceans, and climate 1. Climate variations over the last billion years I can also give you tutoring if you feel you learn better that way, just ask!


Semester 1, 2018

52 pages

32,610 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

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March 2015