
These notes are a comprehensive summary of MM200 compiled from lectures, lecture notes, and textbook readings. I received an HD in this unit with a mark of 85, so these are notes are very high quality. Given the extensive and vast workload of this unit, having a set of already summarised notes will be very beneficial. Topics covered in these notes include: Topic 1 - Contextualising Contemporary Management Topic 2 - Why the History of Management Matters - a Critical Approach Topic 3 - Understanding the Environment and How it Guides Strategy Topic 4 - Decision Making and Planning Topic 5 - Designing an Organisation that will Work Well Topic 6 - Innovating Sustainable Practice Topic 7 - How Do We Judge Good Practice in Management? Topic 8 - Collaboration, Creativity and Entrepreneurship Topic 9 - It's All About the People and How it Happens Day-to-Day Topic 10 - Leading and Motivating Staff Topic 11 - Leading and Managing Change.


Trimester 2, 2018

75 pages

27,902 words



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UNE, Armidale

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April 2017