
2018 latest content. Very high quality, detailed yet concise notes. Includes examples, diagrams and tables when appropriate. Covers all topics including: - Hash Functions and Basics of Cipher - PRNG and Block Cipher - AES and Key Management - Asymmetric Key Cryptography and RSA - Authentication - Digital Signatures - Security Protocols - Confidentiality and Integrity - Number Theory - Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain These notes feature some simple explanations of the complex content where possible and many notes from the tutor. Meetings were conducted with the tutor each week to cover the content as it was difficult to keep up with the lecturer and all the respective notes have been included. Topic tests are conducted every week in this subject, these notes will be perfect for revision, as they are organised by lecture.


Spring session, 2018

25 pages

9,801 words



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UTS, Broadway & Markets

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June 2018