
These are detailed, high distinction notes for International and Global Marketing (MARK2071) that covers all twelve weeks of lecture material, tutorial material AND textbook content. Topics covered include: 1. The scope and challenge of international marketing (international marketing task, SRC, stages of global marketing) 2. The dynamic environment of international trade (protectionism, tariff and non-tariff barriers, GATT, WTO) 3. Cultural dynamics in assessing global (10 elements of culture, Hofstede's values) 4. Culture, management style and business systems 5. The political environment 6. The international legal environment 7. Developing a global vision through marketing research 8. Market entry mode strategies 9. Products and services for consumers 10. Integrated marketing communications and international advertising 11. Pricing for international markets


Semester 1, 2018

71 pages

28,178 words



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UNSW, Kensington

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January 2015

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