
- Selling my detailed and comprehensive notes for ISYS100 in which I achieved a distinction. Topics covered: Week 1- Introduction to information technology and society – Web vs Web Week 2- Social networks- are they really that much of a game changer? Week 3- Blogs, internet journalism, the internet and democracy Week 4 – The weird, the wired and the wireless- how the internet is accessed Week 5- Graphics, digital and multimedia Week 6- Hackers, spam and phishing Week 7- The digital divide Week 8- Googlemania Week 9- How do I know which electronic device to buy? Week 10- Green IT Week 11- Evolving internet, evolving software Week 12- Robotics and artificial intelligence - Includes a variety of diagrams, mind maps and tables which help you to understand the content better! - Headings are colour coded to break down information and topics. - I spent many hours creating these notes so all the hard work has been done for you!


Semester 2, 2017

60 pages

10,744 words



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Macq., North Ryde

Member since

June 2017