
These condensed notes include information taken from seminars, various textbooks, authoritative cases, legislation and further online research compiled into an easily read format. All theoretical content is supported with an authoritative case/example. These notes contain all the crimes and defences that are examinable in the final exam. I consistently received Ds and HDs throughout the semester using these notes consistently as reference points. They will help you achieve your desired mark in Criminal Law and Procedure. TOPICS INCLUDED: Basics Assault: Common Assault Assault: Aggravated Assaults Sexual Assault Property Offences: Larceny Property Offences: Fraud Homicide: Murder Voluntary Manslaughter: Extreme Provocation; Substantial Impairment of the Mind Involuntary Manslaughter: Unlawful and Dangerous Act; Assault Causing Death Involuntary Manslaughter: Negligent Manslaughter Attempt; Complicity: Joint Criminal Enterprise and Extended Joint Criminal Enterprise Complicity: Accessorial Liability Defences: Mental Illness; Automatism; Intoxication Defences: Self-Defence; Necessity; Duress


Autumn session, 2018

19 pages

5,283 words



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