
Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology and Pharmacology. - The pathophysiology of the alterations which occur with the skeletal and muscular systems (including bone fractures, mineral and organic bone deficiencies, osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis) as well pharmacology of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and immunosuppressives. Renal Pathophysiology and Pharmacology: The pathophysiology of the alterations which occur with the renal system (including glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndromes, tubular diseases, acute and chronic renal failure, urinary tract infections, renal calculi) as well as dehydration and disorders of electrolyte and acid-base balance. The use of and mechanism of action of diuretics will also be presented. Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology and Pharmacology: The pathophysiology of the alterations which occur with the gastrointestinal system (including vomiting, gastroesophageal reflux, gastro- and duodenal ulcer disease, diarrhoea and constipation, malabsorption syndromes, inflammatory bowel disease, hepatitis, fatty liver diseases, cirrhosis, liver failure, portal hypertension, choleolithiasis, pancreatitis). The pharmacology of drugs that cause, or are used in the treatment of, nausea and vomiting. Haematological Disorders and Pharmacology: Anaemias, bleeding disorders, coagulopathies, haemoproliferative disorders, haematinic agents, the pharmacology of anticoagulants.


Semester 2, 2016

45 pages

11,308 words



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