
I am selling exam plans/notes for the topic BUSN3054: Taxation Law and Practice. The notes can be used for all students studying taxation law in Australia given the federal tax legislation, but are specifically tailored for those studying BUSN3054 at Flinders University. All important cases and legislative sections are listed and referred to throughout the notes. If you are a student at Flinders University, the notes will be of utmost benefit to you. The notes provide step-by-step exam plans in a succinct, comprehensive and detailed manner, to cover the entirety of the examinable topics in BUSN3054 at Flinders University. I completed the topic in Semester 1, 2016, receiving a HD for the exam using these notes. The examinable topics are as follows: - Tax accounting - Ordinary income - Statutory income - Non-assessable income - CGT - General deductions - Specific deductions - Deduction limitations - Capital allowances Therefore, the exam notes provided have the following titles: - Ordinary Income, Statutory Income and Non-assessable Income - Capital Gains Tax (CGT) - General Deductions, Specific Deductions and Deduction Limitations - Capital Allowances Note that GST, International Tax and Anti-avoidance were not examinable topics and therefore notes are not provided.


Semester 1, 2016

34 pages

19,330 words



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