
These notes contain a full summary of the material covered in lectures, tutorials, and key readings from PSY3CNN. Notes were taken during every lecture and tutorial, and were used as my primary study tool for the exam. These notes contain the following topics: - Attention and Anxiety - Eating disorders - The Neuropsychological basis of substance abuse - Psychoneuroimmunology - The Biological and Emotional Basis of Substance Abuse - Neuroscience of neurodevelopmental disorders - Neurobiology and Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative Disorders - Neuropsychology of Healthy Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease - Consciousness and sleep - Neuropharmacology Epilepsy and traumatic brain injury Hope they help you as much as they helped me!


Semester 1, 2017

43 pages

9,243 words



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LaTrobe, Melbourne (Bundoora)

Member since

February 2016

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