
- Each Section is separated out with headings. - Written in dot points. - Easy to understand - Summary of the whole unit and textbook. - Elements and steps needed to answer the question stated clearly. - The authorities for elements and (where necessary) the facts of these authorities are stated. - The notes on the following topic: > Relevance & Similar Facts > Presumption, Prima Facie Case, No case to Answer > Onus of Proof/Standard of Proof > Judicial Notice and Formal Admission > Competence and Compellability > Privilege > Trial and Witness > Hostile and Unfavoutable Witness > Documet Evidence > Demonstrative and Real Evidence > Hearsay and Exceptions > Opinion Evidence and Expert Evidence > Confession and Admissions > Illegally Obtained Evidence > ID


Semester 2, 2016

37 pages

24,327 words



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