
This is Part 2 of my MBB2 Summary Notes (Part 1 is on a separate file) These are my H1 (92) summary lecture and tutorial notes for Mind Brain Behaviour 2. I didn't do MBB1 so I had to do more of my own research! My notes includes in depth explanations for the concepts which I missed in MBB1. Some concepts were also rushed over in lectures/tutorials in MBB2 so my notes have my own research to explain concepts. I've highlighted in different colours the various ways I used to help memorise the million ideas that are covered. I also point out which areas the lectures wanted us to focus on. Because student VIP has an upload limit, I had to split my notes into 2 parts. I had too many words!! haha THIS second part includes notes for: - Personality notes - Clinical Psychology notes -- personally I found this part the hardest so I have A LOT of in depth explanations The first part of my notes (in a separate file/link) covers: - Human Development - Social Psychology - Research/ Quantitative Methods Thank you! :) And Good luck!


Semester 2, 2016

76 pages

24,900 words



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