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This course was fantastic! As a modern history teacher working on ancient quals this course has been...

8 years ago


Let me start by saying that this unit is not easy and it is a lot of work. At the same time, however...

8 years ago


More enjoyable than 248, although it is a competitive unit for honours hopefuls, so good to stay on...

8 years ago


It's a tough subject, but with some hard work and a little guidance it all starts to make sense.

8 years ago


The content is incredibly interesting although the course is squished into 13 weeks when it needs a...

8 years ago


Although there are several theories to learn it is an enjoyable subject once you understand the cont...

8 years ago


Great subject! Really interesting and not too study-intensive

8 years ago


I had an incredibly difficult time staying awake during lectures. The lecturer may have well been s...

8 years ago


Not only filled with mind-numbing content, but also delivered by a boring and incredibly condescendi...

8 years ago


This stats unit is much more enjoyable after having completed PSY248, because the same concepts are...

8 years ago


The lecture slides might not be much, but the lecturers repeat and stress the key points so be prepa...

8 years ago


Great unit with very interesting theories. Suitable for students studying psychology and education.

9 years ago


Did this during summer school. Stats is a nightmare.

9 years ago


Memorising the different developmental stages could bored you to tears. However, applying the theori...

9 years ago


I did this for summer school. If you choose to do another subject with it, and want to enjoy a socia...

9 years ago


An interesting subject. Lecture content is quite extensive, but final exam is multiple choice. I rec...

9 years ago


This Unit had a some very abstract readings to get your head around. The tasks in the Unit include c...

10 years ago


It is pretty hard and the lecturer is not that great, but work hard and you can pass

10 years ago


Terrible lecturer and terrible course structure

10 years ago


Loved it! Very easy subject. Very easy to study for as it's so interesting Found the content really...

10 years ago

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