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  • 36 Macq. IT tutors
  • 310 Macq. IT ratings and reviews

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Good coverage of the important foundation concepts for further study in computing

6 years ago


This unit is very easy if you have had previous experience in programming. If you have had no exper...

6 years ago


really disorganised and all over the place. only do it if you need it

6 years ago


Seeing how the world of programming works can be exciting to learn

6 years ago


Interesting and fun, but gets difficult really fast if you start to fall behind. Would be a breeze f...

6 years ago


Extremely shag

7 years ago


Practically impossible to fail. You get three attempts at all tests. Only two assignments. Very fun...

7 years ago


Awesome unit, easy to do really well as long as you keep up week by week.

7 years ago


A very useful, but challenging unit. Go to tuts, go to lectures, pay attention. You won't pass unles...

7 years ago


Very useful unit laying a good foundation for 2nd and 3rd year units.

7 years ago


Great unit. If you have no previous programming experience I recommend attending all lectures and tu...

7 years ago


very easy unit...attend ll the lectures and tutors

8 years ago


Takes a bit of effort to do well in this subject, but you learn a lot and the assignment was fun to...

8 years ago


Lectures can be quite boring, and content can be quite challenging as it builds up quickly. Try and...

8 years ago


Very easy course if you have any kind of computing background. Simple mathematics, just make sure yo...

8 years ago


Completely useless subject, don't do this unless it's compulsory. The subject is basically, "remembe...

8 years ago


excellent unit. great lab tutor and great lecturer. very well organized.

8 years ago


Very difficult subject. Content is interesting mathematically, but difficult to understand. It would...

8 years ago


Quality highly dependent on your lecturer/tutor. 2015 lecturer was very dry, boring, monotone, and h...

8 years ago


A lot of content and lecture slides aren't very detailed or informative. Best to attend/listen to le...

8 years ago


The theory content is easy, however the practical lessons are poorly structured. There's a lot of se...

8 years ago


Great for new comers to programming. I had a good tutor and learnt well from it. If you already have...

9 years ago


The unit itself is easy, concepts are easy to understand, however unit structure and assessments are...

9 years ago


Good unit for who likes programming or is starting an IT degree. Processing, the language used in th...

9 years ago

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