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Business law covering all topics and case studies

It is a very useful material for you to review and bring into the exam venue which saves you time to...

103 pages, 32618 words

Detailed notes, full case summaries, summary of relevant legal provisions, glossary of legal terms with cross refrencing.

Detailed lecture notes for LST2BSL from Laura Griffin's lectures, which reference all relevant cases...

64 pages, 21700 words


Very detailed & in-depth notes of LST2BSL: Introduction to Business Law. These very detailed & i...

83 pages, 37513 words

LST2BSL - Case Summary and listed relevant legislation - for Open-exam

This note lists all of relevant cases from which Principles have been drawn out. This is very useful...

36 pages, 13556 words

LST2BSL Week by week content

Week by week notes created from the text, classes and tutorials. Covers: Week 1: Forms of Law &...

38 pages, 10900 words


$30 per hour

Hi Everyone I'm currently completing my PhD at one of Australia's top universities. I absolutely...


$20 per hour

Test Prep, Assignment Assistance, Essay Planning, Proofreading I look forward to taking on privat...


$25 per hour

Get your study notes at TOVO.EDUCATION * | Premium Service | 1-On-1 Tutoring | Professional Li...


$20 per hour

** Study SMART, not hard! ** Come learn the tricks I used in my undergrad studies to attain a WAM of...


$60 per hour

RELIABLE-RESPONSIBLE-PATIENT-ACCESSIBLE [LIVE ZOOM] Looking for a friendly tutor who can help you...


Easy to understand, not too much of a workload.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

Hard subject to grasp, but it is important to apply to the business world of contracts and obligations.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Very interesting subject. High work load but easy to manage if you stay on top of it. Create great notes and summaries of cases to help you prep for the exam. Excellent knowledge of case law is key.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015