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- Science
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- 274 ANU Science ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Science subjects at ANU...
Fantastic course with awesome lecturers. Very well supported and has made me really fall in love wit...
1 year ago
Decent course. More breadth than depth; 4 broad topics were reproduction, nutrition, movement and di...
2 years ago
Well run course with a lot of resources for help and group study
2 years ago
Brilliant course, taught by a fantastic convenor
John Mavrogenes (AKA 'Mav') is very relaxed, appro...
3 years ago
The convenor refuses to delegate, and as such, you run into a lot of problems.
His lectures were fa...
3 years ago
Infection and Immunity is a course that will develop your writing skills like no other. The assessme...
3 years ago
If you're doing COMP1100, and youre thinking of doing COMP1130, heres the difference;
1130 has extr...
4 years ago
This course can be really hit or miss. IMO The content is really interesting and the later assignmen...
4 years ago
Good lecturers
4 years ago
Brilliant practicals!
5 years ago
Practicals were amazing and less demanding than other biology courses such as BIOL2142! Very interst...
5 years ago
The lecturer is really kind and enthusiastic about his work, it really made me want to keep learning...
5 years ago
Bane of my life. Absolute bore and absolute chore. It's know as the subject that they use in the Bac...
5 years ago
This course was awesome, and the second easiest I have done. They split up the modules into parts th...
5 years ago
I remember this one having a good essay but the lectures being really boring. Actually fell asleep i...
5 years ago
Good. Not amazing, but good.
5 years ago
I remember enjoying this one. Was a bit of a bludge subject. Note. Did it in 2009.
5 years ago
Highly recommend doing this one with friends if the board game component still exists.
5 years ago
Alright subject. Not the best.
5 years ago
Difficult subject with a great lecturer (took it in 2010)
5 years ago
Enjoyed this subject, though don't remember much about it (largely forgettable)
5 years ago
This subject didn't really fit in with the rest of the ANU psych subjects I took (was inferior in my...
5 years ago
Didn't really like this one. Probably the worst psych subject I took at ANU. Note: Did it in 2011.
5 years ago
Great subject (note. took in 2011 not 2016).
5 years ago
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