CHEM 1100
Chemistry IA
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View all CHEM 1100 notesSummary Notes Chemistry IA
Thirty hand-written pages of highly informative and visual notes, covering all topics of the newly i...
36 pages, 7800 words
Chemistry IA Summary
Covers 1. Molecular Shape and Structure Determination 2. Acids and Bases 3. Atoms to Molecules 4...
11 pages, 3520 words
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Hey! I am a Ph.D researcher in chemistry, and I'm capable of providing comprehensive instruction on...
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TOP STUDENT IN CHEM 1A AND CHEM 1B | EXCELLENT REVIEWS | Best First-year tutor for Chemistry | UNS...
$25 per hour
3 Qualifications and 4 areas of Study: -Pure Mathematics -Physics - Research Degree in Theoretica...
Be sure to prepare well for the practicals to make them less stressful :)
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
This course is structured very well. Just remember to keep up to date on lectures, and go prepared for the workshops in order to really benefit.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016
It was a fantastic subject although you need to keep updated with the materials and attend to tutorials and practicals. Very relaxing if you do, otherwise need to work very hard if you don't attend tutorials. Exams were easy as past exams were given to practice.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016
Fun but very intense!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015
I found this subject quite challenging if you let it slip away and don't keep up with it but otherwise rather interesting and some lecturers were quite engaging